The Vespa 125 VNB was produced from 1959 to 1966.
The prefix is VNB1T, VNB2T, VNB3T, VNB4T, VNB5T and VNB6T.
Vespa 125 mod. VNA1T 1957, Vespa 125 mod. VNA2T 1958, Vespa 125 mod. VNB1T 1959, Vespa 125 mod. VNB2T 1961 N° 88500
Documentation to repair your vehicle Vespa 125 mod. VNB VNB1T, VNB2T, VNB3T, VNB4T, VNB5T, VNB6T 1959 Complément au Manuel pour Vespa 150 VBA
Documentation to repair your vehicle All models 1955 - 1963 N° 88941
Documentation to repair your vehicle All models 1955 - 1963
Ideal documentation if you need to dismantle and reassemble your vehicle Contains all the exploded boards of the scooter and the parts references. Vespa 125 mod. VNB1T, Vespa 125 mod. VNB2T, Vespa 125 mod. VNB3T, Vespa 125 mod. VNB4T, Vespa 125 mod. VNB5T, Vespa 125 mod. VNB6T, 1959 - 1966, N° 88606
Ideal documentation if you need to dismantle and reassemble your vehicle Contains all the exploded boards of the scooter and the parts references. Vespa 125 mod. VN1T, VN2T, Vespa 125 mod. VNA1T, VNA2T, Vespa 125 mod. VNB1T, VNB2T, VNB3T, VNB4T, 1955 - 1963, N° 94880